Environmental awareness, ecology
and sustainability are our core values

Environmental awareness, ecology
and sustainability are our core values

Environmental awareness, ecology and sustainability are our core values

Mission and vision


My mission is to spread conscious and environmentally friendly consumerism. Ecology, environmental awareness and sustainability are at the heart of what I do. I transfer that passion onto my manufacturing partners and producers, so that I can extend the variety of products offered to conscious consumers like myself.

My vision is of a world where each one of us is conscious and aware of their impact on the environment and our future… It all starts with baby steps. This is what I want to encourage by spreading awareness through my actions, my business and its products!


in Italy

Handmade in Italy



Valentina Tesi

EcoDNA was founded out of love of travelling to the best destinations in Europe and the belief that tourism and consumerism can be sustainable. My Italian heritage and drive to make positive change in the world have combined to develop quality products that represent my values, especially animal welfare.
Bringing together my values, heritage, and design skills, I developed a collection of high-quality handmade accessories and gifts for the souvenir and promotional item markets.
My manufacturing partner from my hometown of Florence has been operating for about 50 years, and boasts a majority womeoperated team. I am proud to support European businesses with European-goods- enabling a sophisticated and quality alternative in a market supplied by mass production outside of Europe.
I am sure you will see the passion, expertise, and values in my product range. Let’s bring this into your business too!


about our vegan leather

The material sourced for EcoDNA’s products carries a Certificate UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 and is produced entirely in Italy using partially renewable energy.

Even though it looks like leather, feels like leather, and is tough like leather, the material is not of animal origin, and is therefore vegan. Made from a formula of polymers, vegan leather has a production process with significantly lower environmental impact than real leather. This low impact results in a smaller carbon footprint, less energy consumed in production and transportation, and it leaves less chemical waste compared to the traditional leather manufacturing process.

While maintaining similar texture and durability, the final product is significantly more sustainable, cruelty free for both animals and humans, and significantly less costly.


Attention to details and customisations

We produce with a careful eye for detail, from high-quality stitching to a large variety of zip colours (on request).
Besides our vegan leather with its extravagant colour palette, we also offer so-called “smooth rubber”. It’s very pleasant at the touch, with a plain texture. It feels classy and comes in a more mature colour range.
Our logos are designed and embossed on our materials to guarantee the visibility of all small details as well as the print of any personalised patterns on the leather, for a perfect finish.
Our scrupulous methodology and eye for perfection are characteristic of all our products.